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What Is the Best Thing to Buy in Gta 5

GTA 6 is likely still a long way off. Some rumors are suggesting the sixth mainline entry in the widely popular Grand Theft Auto series won't launch until 2025.

While the idea of waiting another four years for the next entry in the series is hard to swallow, we've already begun formulating a wish list of exactly what we want to see from GTA 6 to help pass the time.

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After all, it's been nearly eight years since GTA 5 launched on the PS3 and Xbox 360. While the game has held up remarkably — it's even being re-released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X this November — there are definitely several areas where the sequel can improve.

We might not be getting our hands on GTA 6 anytime soon, but here are a few features we hope are included. Plus, a couple that we'd rather didn't make the cut.

Want: Return to Vice City

GTA Vice City

(Image credit: Rockstar)

GTA 6's setting is the piece of information that many fans are most eager to learn. If some internet sleuthing is correct, the sixth mainline GTA will see the series return to Vice City.

Rockstar's take on Miami was first featured in 2002's GTA: Vice City and would make an ideal location for the next entry in the franchise. Considering both Liberty City (from GTA 3) and San Andreas (from GTA: San Andreas) have been given the HD makeover in the last two GTA games respectively, Vice City is surely next in line.

While the original Vice City game was set in the 80s, we expect GTA 6 to be set in the modern-day. That's okay though, there's still plenty that the development team at Rockstar could do with the setting in the present.

Want: More interior locations

If there's one area that GTA 5 is a real letdown it's the number of interior locations offered. There are very few buildings you can actually enter, and several of the few included are only accessible via a specific story mission.

Being able to visit a variety of interior locations allows you to feel like you're playing in a lived-in city. Whereas in GTA 5 you spend almost all of your time on the streets walking or driving past buildings that you can't actually interact with.

Even 2007's GTA 4 had far more interior locations than GTA 5, so this is an area that GTA 6 could really improve upon.

Want: A single protagonist


(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

GTA 5 took a bold step for the franchise and experimented with three playable protagonists in the single-player mode.

While this did allow for some interesting storytelling moments and Franklin, Michael and Trevor will always have a special place in our hearts, for GTA 6 hopefully the series returns to a more traditional single protagonist setup.

Red Dead Redemptions 2 proved that when Rockstar really focuses on a single playable character they can craft more engaging stories that feel deeply personal. We want to see that approach replicated in GTA 6.

Plus, why not make the protagonist a female this time? The franchise has never had a playable female character in single-player; it's about time that changed.

Want: A better police system

GTA 5 - police system

(Image credit: Rockstar)

The wanted system in GTA 5 is pretty frustrating. You can commit a crime on a busy city street or in the middle of the wilderness and within moments you'll be surrounded by dozens of armed officers.

We'd like to see GTA 6 create a more realistic system. Perhaps if you commit a crime and there are no witnesses, the cops don't show up at all. Whereas if you perform an illegal action while surrounded by people, the fuzz will appear much faster.

The game could also take a leaf out of Mafia 3's book where the cops were slower to respond in more rundown areas of the map.

Want: Environmental destruction

A rumor that has recently been doing the rounds suggests that GTA 6 will have an "ever-changing" map that will be tweaked constantly by Rockstar, but we want to take things a step further.

Let us cause our own mayhem and destruction. Obviously, it's unlikely that Rockstar could make the entire city fully destructible but even having specific locations that can be destroyed would be a great addition.

Of all the wants on this list, this is probably the least realistic, but we can dream.

Don't want: Science fiction elements

GTA 5 - Oppressor Mk II

(Image credit: Rockstar)

As GTA Online has grown in popularity, Rockstar has started to throw more whacky ideas at the wall.

While the Tron-inspired Deadline mode was pretty fun, the inclusion of a literal hoverbike in the form of the Oppressor Mk II was pretty emersion-breaking. GTA has always had an edge of silliness to it, but it's still a series grounded in reality.

The inclusion of science-fiction vehicles and weapons in GTA Online has got us worried that Rockstar might really jump the shark in GTA 6. We don't need to be meeting a Martian or using a time machine in a GTA game.

Don't want: A combined single-player and online

GTA 6 job listing

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

GTA 5 keeps its single-player and online components very separate. When you launch the game you choose which mode to load up, and GTA Online is even being spun out into its own standalone release later this year.

We really like this approach and hope it continues with GTA 6. While we enjoy cruising San Andreas with friends, sometimes we just want to enjoy a more structured story in single player.

GTA 6 needs to cater to both online and solo play. Mixing the two into a single persistent world sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hopefully for GTA 6, single-player and online are still treated like separate modes.

  • More: GTA remastered trilogy could be headed to PS5, Xbox Series X and Switch soon

What Is the Best Thing to Buy in Gta 5
